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Where We Are MalpensaFiere

Malpensafiere separatore

Where we are

via XI Settembre 16
Busto Arsizio (VA)

tel. +39 0332 295429

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How to Reach Us

  • A8 Milan – Varese Highway
    Take the A8 Milan-Varese highway and exit at Busto Arsizio. Continue on the SS336 junction, take the Busto Arsizio-Cassano Magnago exit, then follow the signs to MalpensaFiere.

    From the highway exit to our venue, it takes approximately 3 minutes.

    The highway network also provides convenient connections to the A9 Milan-Como-Chiasso, A4 Turin-Venice, and A26 Genoa-Alessandria-Gravellona Toce motorways.

    Visitors can take advantage of over 1,500 parking spaces located right at the entrance of the exhibition center.

For all your traffic updates and

  • FS (State Railways) – FFSS
    MalpensaFiere can also easily be reached by public transportation. The main Busto Arsizio train station is about 3 km from the exhibition center. Once at the Station, take the urban line bus 11 from the station’s Square and stop directly at MalpensaFiere.
    The Busto Arsizio Nord station is approximately 4 km from the exhibition center.
    Take the urban line bus 1 from the station’s Square and stop at MalpensaFiere.

For more details:

MalpensaFiere is easily accessible from two major airports in the Milan area, making it the best destination for easy business travel and layovers.

    – By car: take the SS36 in the direction of Milan, exit at Busto Arsizio-Cassano Magnago. Travel time: about 10 minutes Travel time: about 10 minutes
    – By cab: travel time about 10 minutes
    – By train: Malpensa Express (departure every 30 minutes) from Malpensa Terminals 1-2 to Busto Arsizio Nord Station
    – By bus:
    Flixbus from Malpensa Terminal 1-2 (approximately 24 minutes ride) – stop at Via Antonio Fogazzaro, 14 (Piazzale Gabriele d’Annunzio) – Busto Arsizio

    For more Information:

  • MILAN LINATE AIRPORT: approx. 60 km
    – By car: from the airport, via the A/51, continue on the A/52 North Ring Road, then the A4 highway, and proceed to the A8 highway towards Busto Arsizio. Travel time: about 45 minutes Travel time: about 45 minutes
    – By cab: travel time about 45 minutes.
    – By train: take the M4 Blue Metro Line to San Babila, transfer to the M1 Red Line to Loreto, then the M2 Green Line getting off at Garibaldi FS. Finally, take a train towards Varese, stopping at Busto Arsizio. For more information: e

Malpensafiere separatore

Contact us for your event at MalpensaFiere

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MalpensaFiere – via XI Settembre, 16 | Busto Arsizio (VA) – Tel. +39 0332 295429 – Email: | Privacy Policy
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