Malpensafiere separatore


Accessing MalpensaFiere is very easy.

Whether you arrive by car, public transportation, or by air, arriving at MalpensaFiere is easy. We will welcome you with a rich program of events and exhibitions.

In addition, there are 1,500 parking spaces located close to the main entrance.

Fair Entrance: GATE B (unless otherwise indicated)

Stay updated on the events and shows we host by consulting the Events Calendar.

Use the hashtag #MalpensaFiere to help make the center even more “alive.”

Each year, MalpensaFiere serves as a new home for exhibitions and events. New organizers choose our venue for events with diverse themes that enrich our schedule.

Some of the events we host at MalpensaFiere:

Custom motorcycles, American cars, and classic cars and motorcycles

Cosplay and electronic and board games

Freestyle and drifting exhibitions

Exotic animals and dog shows

Wines AND Spirits Tradefairs

Wedding shows and planning events

School orientation

Electronics and wellness

Concerts and shows

Malpensafiere separatore

Where we are

Malpensafiere separatore

How to Reach Us

  • A8 Milan – Varese Highway
    Take the A8 Milan-Varese highway and exit at Busto Arsizio. Continue on the SS336 junction, take the Busto Arsizio-Cassano Magnago exit, then follow the signs to MalpensaFiere.

    From the highway exit to our venue, it takes approximately 3 minutes.

    The highway network also provides convenient connections to the A9 Milan-Como-Chiasso, A4 Turin-Venice, and A26 Genoa-Alessandria-Gravellona Toce motorways.

    Visitors can take advantage of over 1,500 parking spaces located right at the entrance of the exhibition center.

For all your traffic updates and

  • FS (State Railways) – FFSS
    MalpensaFiere can also easily be reached by public transportation. The main Busto Arsizio train station is about 3 km from the exhibition center. Once at the Station, take the urban line bus 11 from the station’s Square and stop directly at MalpensaFiere.
    The Busto Arsizio Nord station is approximately 4 km from the exhibition center.
    Take the urban line bus 1 from the station’s Square and stop at MalpensaFiere.

For more details:

MalpensaFiere is easily accessible from two major airports in the Milan area, making it the best destination for easy business travel and layovers.

    – By car: take the SS36 in the direction of Milan, exit at Busto Arsizio-Cassano Magnago. Travel time: about 10 minutes Travel time: about 10 minutes
    – By cab: travel time about 10 minutes
    – By train: Malpensa Express (departure every 30 minutes) from Malpensa Terminals 1-2 to Busto Arsizio Nord Station
    – By bus:
    Flixbus from Malpensa Terminal 1-2 (approximately 24 minutes ride) – stop at Via Antonio Fogazzaro, 14 (Piazzale Gabriele d’Annunzio) – Busto Arsizio

    For more Information:

  • MILAN LINATE AIRPORT: approx. 60 km
    – By car: from the airport, via the A/51, continue on the A/52 North Ring Road, then the A4 highway, and proceed to the A8 highway towards Busto Arsizio. Travel time: about 45 minutes Travel time: about 45 minutes
    – By cab: travel time about 45 minutes.
    – By train: take the M4 Blue Metro Line to San Babila, transfer to the M1 Red Line to Loreto, then the M2 Green Line getting off at Garibaldi FS. Finally, take a train towards Varese, stopping at Busto Arsizio. For more information: e

Malpensafiere separatore

Hospitality and services near MalpensaFiere

Malpensafiere separatore

Event calendar

Malpensafiere separatore

Contact us for your event at MalpensaFiere

I would like to be contacted

MalpensaFiere – via XI Settembre, 16 | Busto Arsizio (VA) – Tel. +39 0332 295429 – Email: | Privacy Policy
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